What’s new

0.4.0 (May 10, 2019)

This release produces effect, variance, statistic (t or F), Z-score, and p-value maps at every level, and enables smoothing at higher levels if preferred.

Additionally, documentation has been added at https://fitlins.readthedocs.io and versioning/packaging issues have been resolved.

0.3.0 (April 19, 2019)

This release restores reports at the second level and higher, and enables isotropic smoothing with the nistats backend. Reporting has also been refactored to reduce clutter in the outputs.

With thanks to Karolina Finc, Rastko Ciric and Mathias Goncalves for contributions.

0.2.0 (February 1, 2019)

This release marks a substantial refactoring in the wake of BIDS Derivatives RC1, fMRIPrep 1.2.x and pybids 0.7.0.

Reports at second level and higher are currently broken, but we’re at a point where neuroscout is depending on the current code base, the user base is increasing, and it’s worth having a starting point for considering new features.

With thanks to Alejandro de la Vega, Adina Wagner and Yaroslav Halchenko for contributions.

0.1.0 (August 24, 2018)

This release moves FitLins to a Nipype workflow and provides a set of Nipype interfaces for interacting with BIDS Models and the nistats statistical package.

0.0.6 (August 06, 2018)

Hotfix release.

0.0.5 (August 01, 2018)

0.0.4 (July 05, 2018)

0.0.3 (March 9, 2018)

Maintenance release

  • Update grabbit (0.1.1), pybids (0.5.0) (#11)

  • Incorporate nistats/nistats#165 (#13)

  • Update Dockerfile, versioning (#14)

0.0.2 (March 5, 2018)

Hotfix, addressing deployment issues.

0.0.1 (March 5, 2018)

Initial release of FitLins, a BIDS-model fitting BIDS app.